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CNN’s Piers Morgan attacks Larry Pratt and all gun owners



Editor’s Note: Piers Morgan will host a national conversation on guns at 9 p.m. ET Wednesday on CNN.

(CNN) — On Wednesday night, I will host a town hall-style debate on guns in America, live on CNN. I’ll talk to lawmakers, mass shooting survivors, lawyers, gun lobbyists — anyone, basically, who has a strong opinion about what I consider to be the single biggest issue facing America today.

Click here to read the article on CNN.com.

Since I joined CNN two years ago, there have been a series of gun-related tragedies, including the attack on U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and the Aurora, Colorado, movie theater massacre. Each sparked a short-term debate about guns. Yet each debate fizzled out with zero action being taken to try and curb the use of deadly weapons on the streets of America.

Now, following the grotesque slaughter of 20 innocent young children at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, I sense that the mood has changed. We have reached a crucial moment in this debate, and I intend to use my platform to continue this conversation on Wednesday night and going forward. The media have previously been quick to move on to other stories after these tragic acts of gun violence. That must change.


Take a look at Piers Morgan with his guest, former Minnesota Governor,  Jesse Ventura
