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Georgia Mother's Shooting of Home Invader Puts New Spin on Gun Control Debate

The story of a young Georgia mother’s actions during a home invasion is putting a new spin on the gun control debate.
A woman was home with her 9-year-old twins when a man began knocking on the door and persistently ringing the bell. The woman quickly called her husband and while he dialed 911, she grabbed the family’s .38 revolver, her twins and shuttered them all in a closet.
The suspect then broke into the house and began ransacking it. He walked upstairs and opened the closet door, bringing the woman and her twins face-to-face with the intruder. She acted quickly, firing six shots and hitting the suspect in the face and neck.
He was able to get up and stumble out of the home. Police quickly caught up to him and arrested him.
Radio host Lars Larson pointed out that while the woman acted heroically, had there been more than one intruder, she would have been in real danger because she wouldn’t have had enough bullets in that type of weapon to protect herself and her family. He said many people want a gun that is capable of holding more bullets, but “this is what the president’s plan will go after.”
“This president wants to take away people’s rights to own the appropriate tool to repel an invader or invaders into their houses,” Larson said.
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