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Oklahoma Teachers May Carry Guns if Bill Passes Senate

The Oklahoma House of Representatives has approved a bill that would allow CLEET-certified school personnel to carry firearms in schools.
House Bill 1062, also known as the School Safety Bill, was approved by a 68-23 vote Wednesday and will now go to the state Senate. The bill would allow certified volunteers to have a special, sworn, law enforcement status would serve as armed security in their local schools and at school events.
Supporters of the bill said the bill is not a mandate but is an option some schools may use to address safety concerns.
The bill would give ultimate control to the school district. Schools boards would make the decision on whether or not to participate and who the volunteers would be. The certification would require a minimum of 120 hours of training to be specially developed by the Council for Law Enforcement Education and Training.
On Monday, Oklahoma City Representative Mike Shelton wrote two amendments to bill. One gives parents the choice to move to a different district if their school participates.
Rep. Shelton stated, “I think it’s an absurd way to handle a very serious situation.”
Lawmaker wants Parents to have Choice if Teachers are Armed
An Oklahoma legislator has written two amendments to a controversial that will allow teachers to carry guns in schools.
If approved, House Bill 1062 would allow school districts to have the final say on allowing elementary or secondary school teachers or administrators to carry a handgun. But an Oklahoma City Democrat wants to give parents the right to choose where their students attend school.
Representative Mike Shelton has written two amendments. The first would give parents the option of a voucher to move to a different district if the district they live in allows administrators to carry guns.
Shelton said he’s against vouchers but not if guns are allowed in schools.
“I don’t want a teacher teaching kids in class with a gun on his/her hip,” Rep. Shelton stated, “I think it’s an absurd way to handle a very serious situation.”
Rep. Shelton’s second amendment would provide cell phones to each grade.
“The number one thing you need in an emergency is communication,” Rep. Shelton said.