Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. (NYSE-RGR) has announced the ten finalists for the Ruger 10/22 50th Anniversary Design Contest. Ruger fans can visit the contest website between now and Friday, November 1 at noon ET and cast one vote per day for their favorite finalist. Subject to the terms and conditions of the Official Contest Rules, the winning designer will receive a production version of their rifle, a trip to the Newport, NH plant to watch the production run, and $5,000 to be used toward the purchase of Ruger products. The remaining nine finalists will each receive a standard catalog Ruger firearm of their choice.
“Our panel of judges, which included engineers, product managers and sales and marketing staff, enjoyed reviewing the almost 1,000 entries that came in during the two-week entry period,” stated Chris Killoy, Ruger’s Vice President of Sales and Marketing. “They selected ten of the strongest designs and now it’s up to Ruger fans to decide which designer will be named the winner,” he added.
Ruger launched the contest to help commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Ruger 10/22 – America’s favorite rimfire rifle. Legal residents of the 50 United States of America who were 21 years or older during the entry period were asked to submit a photo and description of their customized 10/22 rifle. A panel of Ruger judges reviewed the submissions and narrowed the entries down to ten finalists.
To vote and to read the Official Rules of the contest, visit www.Ruger.com/1022Contest. Like Ruger onwww.Facebook.com/Ruger to learn more about the finalists and to follow the competition.
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