Senator Dianne Feinstein’s (D-CA) “assault weapons” and “high capacity” magazine ban was approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday. According to Fox News, the 10-8 vote went strictly along party lines with the 10 Democrats on the committee voting in the affirmative. The ban was the last of four gun-related bills to be passed by …
Lets take a look at one of the best trending topics from the last week. #HowBadIsTheAmmoDrought
Wayne LaPierre (Mark Wilson/Getty Images) NATIONAL HARBOR, Md.—Wayne LaPierre’s critics have called him a lot of things in the past few months: A lunatic, crazy, a gun nut. But from his perspective as the executive director of the National Rifle Association, he’s the only sane guy in the room. As an outspoken gun-rights lobbyist, LaPierre …
First, “Harry Potter” made magic cool. Then, “Twilight” made vampires sexy. Now, “The Hunger Games” has American kids hooked on…archery? Katniss Everdeen, the 16-year-old girl who hunts with a bow and arrow to dominate in “The Hunger Games,” is just one of many movie and TV characters inspiring American youth to take up archery. With …
Wild fires burn hot, really hot. When the California fires hit in October of 2007, temperatures soared to more than 2000 degrees. Liberty customer Kim Crosser I knew that he would not be able to save his home (He saw his house catch fire while watching the local news). He didn’t think his Lincoln safe, located upstairs, would survive either.
For many that first trip to the shooting range can be intimidating. This short video is a great introduction to firearms safety rules and etiquette at the indoor range and for experienced shooters a great reminder. Remember, firearms safety depends on you. (NSSF Video)