Don’t think this year’s election is important? Watch this. Share this. Help spread the word. #gunvote [youtube][/youtube]

Don’t think this year’s election is important? Watch this. Share this. Help spread the word. #gunvote [youtube][/youtube]
by Ted Nugent Not a day goes by where an American outdoorsman doesn’t confide in me that due to the increasingly complex, illogical hunting and fishing regulations across the nation, that it would not surprise them that they have unintentionally violated a game law at some point in time. Other outdoorsmen routinely express their frustration …
2012 ShootOut Brackets Round 3 Brad A Mitch H BJ B Kirk S Michael B Matt R Jake B Dale P Ryan D Feegee M Michael D Kyle G Zach D Matt Ti David F Arthur T Shaun S John E Brad A 1 _____________ Mitch H 7.69 BJ B …
by Phil McNaughton A few thoughts and theories from my time on the trigger, in no particular order… I shoot faster when I slow down. Brussels sprouts make great targets. Your worst day at the range is still better than your best day at the office. Unless you work at the range. Then you are …
The Open Firearm Division of the H&H ShootOut is heating up. Here are the current standings. Brad A vs Ricky M= Brad A BJ B vs John S= BJ B Michael B vs Benjamin M = Michael B Glenn B vs Feegee M= Feegee M Robert B vs Matt T= Matt T Jake B …
All competitors have qualified for round 2 the matchups for round 2 are as follows Open Firearms Brad A vs Ricky M BJ B vs John S Michael B vs Benjamin M Glenn B vs Feegee M Robert B vs Joe T Jake B vs Jeff S Dovavan C vs Dale P Justin C …