The gun enthusiasts at Allen Arms Indoor Range in Greenville, South Carolina, decided to combine their love of all hole-making tools by modding this Glock Model 21 to look like a DeWalt cordless drill. But sadly, even though there’s a bit protruding from the front, the drill doesn’t actually work. Although, that of course doesn’t …

This collection of Firearm apparel from Everyday No Days Off shows that you can be be a gun enthusiast and still wear a cool T-Shirt. In the USA we are free to take responsibility for our own lives. Simply carrying on and ignoring a threat against life and/or liberty isn’t in the play book of …
Preliminary crime statistics for 2011 released today by the FBI show a 4 percent decrease in violent crime–a continuation of a long-term downward trend nationwide. The report highlights that all four violent crime categories–murder and nonnegligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery and aggravated assault–declined in the country’s four major geographical regions and in all city …
By Mark Jacob and Stephan Benzkofer There’s a lot of crossfire about guns these days. The Obama administration is under siege over Fast and Furious, a federal sting operation that allowed firearms to go to Mexican drug traffickers and was linked to the slaying of a Border Patrol agent. 1 Around Christmas 1928, Ernest Hemingway …
It is absolutely amazing the way some myths about self-defense continue to get passed around year after year and generation after generation. By Sheriff Jim Wilson (RSS) Just about the time it appears they have been proven false and dismissed, the same stuff pops up again. Part of this is probably due to the fact there are …
We have gone through several successive years of intense development of concealed-carry handguns, the vast majority of which were semi-automatic pistols. You are a mighty picky handgunner if you can’t find a subcompact 9 mm or .380 ACP to suit your needs and preferences. In the past, I have been assigned to review these new …