H&H Shooting Sports Special Announcement: Springfield X-treme Test Drive Event. This Test Drive includes: Rental of both Springfield XDM 5.25 Pistols, Rental time at the range, Ear and Eye Protection, Target, 20 rounds of ammo. This event runs now through Sunday, August 28th.Only $10 to participate. The first 50 Shooters will receive a FREE …
“All Clear Down Range!” Today at the H&H ShootOut the final shots were fired and the winners were determined. H&H Shooting Sports Complex would like to congratulate all the participants of our ShootOut, and we would like to recognize the Hot Shots who won their divisions. In the firearm division the women’s Hot Shot is Cheryl Kuper …
Congratulations to all competitors who shot in round 3 of the H&H ShootOut. The following shooters have qualified to compete in the 4th round, which will take place Saturday, August 20th starting at 9am. Saturday will be the last day of shooting, with the finals of the tournament taking place that day. Juniors Archery Kolt H …
Thank you to everybody who participated in the first two rounds of the 2011 ShootOut. The following participants scored high enough in the second round and have qualified for the third round. The third round will take place on Thursday, August 18th, anytime 9am to 9pm. Good luck to all participants! Open Firearms Chris A …

We would like to congratulate everybody who participated in the opening round of the H&H ShootOut. The following participants have qualified for round 2. The second round of shooting will conclude Tuesday, the 16th at 9pm. Charles M Chris A John G Michael H Heath B Clifford P John B Jeff J Mark B Trevor B Michael D …