Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) on Tuesday introduced a bill that would require background checks to be run on anyone buying explosive powder, a reaction to last week’s Boston Marathon bombing. Reid introduced the bill, S. 792, for Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.), who has been out sick for much of the year. But in …

Roy H. Williams, President & CEO, visited today’s High Noon Club meeting held at H&H Shooting Sports. During his visit he discussed the econmic growth that Oklahoma City has seen over the last decade. He also participated in a Q&A session with those in attendance. Also in attendance, and preforming two songs from their album “Songs of Inspiration” …
AMMO Act would limit ammo buying, storing for non-Pentagon departments and agencies A box of .223 ammunition / AP Senate and House Republicans are set to introduce a joint bill Friday that would significantly limit the amount of ammunition that federal agencies are permitted to purchase and stockpile over the next six months. The bill, …
When Ruger’s Ken Jorgensen showed me a pre-release 10/22 Takedown rifle I didn’t quite get it. After all, doesn’t everyone have at least one 10/22 by now? Ruger has been making them for years and, although I thought the Takedown was interesting, I didn’t put enough thought into it to “get it”. By the …
OKLAHOMA CITY — “I would call it a hole in our security policy,” said Rep. Mark McCullough (R- Sapulpa). It’s an argument you could call a gun fight. McCullough brought the gun debate back to the forefront Thursday, He tacked on an amendment to an unrelated Senate bill to include the option of arming teachers …
Colion Noir addresses Vice President Joe Biden’s inability to give advice on gun safety and home protection. Former U.S. Navy SEAL Dom Raso discusses a situation that happened recently in New Jersey and the complacency our nation has fallen into when it comes to personal protection.