[youtube]http://youtu.be/d3RjpWA_uDQ[/youtube] LOS ANGELES (AP) — Bruce Willis says he’s against new gun control laws that could infringe on Second Amendment rights. The “Die Hard” star also dismisses any link between Hollywood shootouts and real-life gun violence. “I think that you can’t start to pick apart anything out of the Bill of Rights without thinking that it’s …
[youtube]http://youtu.be/wIEBrb_wRYc[/youtube] The Eddie Eagle GunSafe Program, NRA’s groundbreaking gun accident prevention course for children, has achieved another milestone by reaching its 26 millionth child. Created in 1988 by past NRA President Marion P. Hammer, in consultation with elementary school teachers, law enforcement officers, and child psychologists, the program provides pre-K through third grade children with …
H&H Shooting Sports will soon start their next expansion to their complex soon. Preparations are already underway to add six additional shooting lanes and relocate the existing safe department. The Safe department will move from its 600 sq ft current location and be relocated into a new 2000 sq ft show room near the newly completed reloading department. The six additional …
(CNN) – The Arkansas House of Representatives has overwhelmingly passed a measure that would allow concealed guns to be carried in churches and houses of worship, and the governor’s office says it plans to sign the bill. The measure, which passed 85-8 on Monday, gives houses of worship the option of allowing concealed weapons. Passed …
[youtube]http://youtu.be/1P7uk9KVdMg[/youtube] Piers Morgan can say he’s shot an AR-15. Morgan traveled to Texas today to find out what it’s like to shoot the gun “used in the last five mass shootings in America,” including Sandy Hook Elementary School. Morgan interviewed the owner of a Houston gun range, as he took his turns firing various …
[youtube]http://youtu.be/lEBxpTYUPzI[/youtube] This video is meant as a means for shooters to gain awareness of lead exposure during shooting and to give practical tips on preventative measures one can take to protect themselves from lead poisoning. Once lead enters the body, it stores in the bones and is very difficult to remove. It has powerful negative …