(CBS News) FONTANA, Calif. – The police in Fontana are taking a different approach to fighting gun violence. They’re arming the officers who protect schools with high-powered, semi-automatic rifles. “It’s heartbreaking that we have to resort to this level of preparedness,” said Fontana School District Police Chief Billy Green. Last October, Green spent …
Vice President Joe Biden arrives during the second presidential inauguration of Barack Obama at the U.S. Capitol …Are you looking into buying an assault weapon for protection after a devastating natural disaster (or the coming Zombie Apocalypse) plunges society into deadly anarchy? You’ve got it all wrong, Vice President Joe Biden said Thursday: Get yourself a …
Quick Links: Find and Contanct your Representative in the US House by Zip Code: http://www.house.gov/representatives/find/ Contact Your Senators : http://www.senate.gov/ The American gun owning public is being duped again, just like we were duped the two weeks before the election when we were convinced that Romney was ahead by several percentage points. The media, including …
OKLAHOMA CITY – An Oklahoma lawmaker is inviting a gun manufacturer to relocate in the Sooner state after New York banned assault rifles. Thursday Rep. Dan Kirby said he would like to invite Remington to consider Oklahoma as its new gun manufacturing location. Kirby said, “I was just reading about the backlash from an Ilion, …

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.” -Benjamin Franklin, 1759 40 reasons to ban guns….. 1. Banning guns works, which is why New York, DC, & Chicago cops need guns. 2. Washington DC’s low murder rate of 69 per 100,000 …

The Chicago-based deal and coupon websiteGroupon.com has halted all gun-related deals, it announced on Sunday. Groupon discounts for shooting activities can involve anything from clay shooting to time and training at a gun range. These deals, both current and those scheduled for the future, have been placed on hiatus. In a statement from Groupon spokesperson Julie Mossler, …