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President may ban certain firearms with 1 simple move President Obama, congressional Democrats and even some Republicans plan to push new gun-control legislation in the 113th Congress, but defenders of the Second Amendment fear Obama is poised to enact the restrictions through the Executive Branch if Congress is not cooperative. John M. Snyder heads GunRightsPolicies.org …

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It’s not just states that have relaxed gun laws. Federal lawmakers have come up with a few of their own. (Scott Olson/Getty Images) U.S. gun policy is set by both state and federal law. We previously published anexplainer on the ways states have eased gun restrictions. But federal policy, too, has become more gun friendly in …

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Here’s a quick list of points you may want to consider using when you write your representatives urging them to oppose gun control.  Please do not copy verbatim; please do personalize with your own words.  I would not recommend using them all at once; letters tend to be more effective when shorter and succinct.  Instead, …

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Lawmakers kept up the renewed debate over the nation’s gun laws Sunday, with the Senate’s leading Republican arguing that the matter must wait until pressing fiscal issues are addressed in Congress and one Senate Democrat warning against “extreme” restrictions on guns. “The biggest problem we have at the moment is spending and debt,” Senate Minority …

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Below is the response we received from Oklahoma Senator Jim Inhofe regarding the 2nd Amendment and anti-2A legislature. Dear (Name Withheld) : Thank you for contacting me about the Second Amendment. As your voice in Washington, I appreciate being made aware of your views. When I was sworn in after being elected to the Congress, I took …

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WASHINGTON — The White House today is shifting its focus to gun control, trying to keep the momentum for stricter laws after the Connecticut school shooting. Republicans have warned that – with the debt ceiling and “fiscal cliff part two” looming – gun control may end up on the back burner. Today we’ll see advocates …