BELLEVILLE ILLINOIS— Police Chief William Clay has banned all on-duty police officers from eating at Denny’s Restaurant on South Illinois Street after a detective was asked to remove her gun or leave the restaurant on New Year’s Day. “All sworn (uniformed/non-uniformed) officers have been prohibited from entering Denny’s Restaurant at 1130 South Illinois for any …
Get ready for it… eBay has now decided that ANYTHING related to a PMAG is now forbidden from their website. This morning a friend of ours had their listing for a STANAG magazine pouch removed because they said it would fit a “PMAG”. The nylon mag POUCH was removed. I called eBay to confirm this …
Jerry Miculek, arguably the best shooter to ever live, would like to do a video AMA on gunnit this coming Saturday and Sunday. The plan is to post the AMA, take the top 10-15 rated questions, and do video answers the following day (saturday-sunday). Proof: In case anyone is unfamiliar with him: [youtube][/youtube] [youtube][/youtube] …
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The number of FBI background checks required for Americans buying guns set a record in December, indicating that more people may purchase one after the Connecticut school massacre stirred interest in self-defense and prompted renewed talk of limits on firearms, according to FBI data. The FBI said it recorded 2.78 million background checks during the month, surpassing the …
Back during the Clinton Administration, I joined the National Rifle Association. With the “Assault Weapon Ban” passed and other anti-Second Amendment legislation under consideration, it seemed like a good time to join the one organization capable of slowing the Democratic Party’s gun-grabbing agenda. When I let my membership lapse, it was obvious new gun control legislation …
John Davenport/San Antonio Express-News Just two days after the tragedy at Sandy Hook, another shooting took place at a movie theater in San Antonio Texas. Did you hear about it? I didn’t. Why? Because no one died, thanks to an off duty police officer who shot the gunman. Sgt. Lisa Cuello Castellano, a 13-year veteran of …