[youtube]http://youtu.be/UEAf3fz5eDs[/youtube] Via News 9.com BRYAN COUNTY, Oklahoma – A 12-year-old girl took matters into her own hands during a home invasion in southeast Oklahoma. It happened on Wednesday when the girl was home alone. She told police a stranger rang the doorbell, then went around to the back door and kicked it in. She called …

By Jason Parks – Guest Contributor Deer tastes a lot better than duck. You have a much better chance of not drowning while deer hunting (except for that one time with my father-n-law and in my defense I was laughing too hard stop the boat). Deer hunting is quiet and precise while duck hunting …
By NICK BILTON Lance Rosenfield for The New York Times Cody Wilson, a law student at the University of Texas, is working to design and create a gun using 3-D printing technology. It has long been possible to make a gun at home. But what happens when it no longer takes knowledge and skill to …

The reason is actually to help them aim faster by utilizing a technique known as “Flash Sight Picture”. I wouldn’t advise it though. I am a former Marine Corps marksmanship instructor. I specialized in pistols and have fired these weapons thousands of times. That said, the thought has crossed my mind. The answer didn’t come …

[youtube]http://youtu.be/Mm9o3vhKoF8[/youtube] The Internet cafe patron who shot and injured two men as they tried to rob the business will likely not face any criminal charges. “Based on what I have seen and what I know at this time, I don’t anticipate filing any charges,” said Bill Gladson of the State Attorney’s Office for 5th …

Today’s defensive handgunsare rugged, reliable machines, but they won’t stay that way if they’re not properly maintained. While most shooters will be careful to keep their guns dry and free of debris, it’s not uncommon for handguns to be fired without the benefit of regular cleaning and proper lubrication. Shooting handguns dirty or dry (or …