Waking up at 5 a.m., you walk downstairs to the kitchen to investigate a strange noise. In your stupor, you fail to bring your bedside gun with you, leaving yourself unarmed to face the potential threat. You enter the kitchen, turn on the overhead lights and are confronted by a lone intruder. He thrusts …
2012 H&H ShootOut FINALS Ladies Dru A Cheryl K Laure P Sara D OPEN Mitch H Kirk S Feegee M Jake B Zach D Jake B 5.190 A Kirk S 4.16 Kirk S 5.591 Feegee M 4.568 B Feegee M 3.38 Mitch H Zach D 2.788 Mitch H C …
8-8-12 9PM Brad A Mitch H BJ B Kirk S Michael B Matt R Jake B Dale P Ryan D Feegee M Michael D Kyle G Zach D Matt T David F Arthur T Shaun S John E Brad A 3.83 1 Mitch …
Every gun guy knows the list of things you should never do with a gun. Don’t point it at anything you don’t intend to shoot for instance . If you have been around gun guys as long as I have you can spot a wanna-be gun guy quickly. Sometimes it’s their actions, other times it’s …

Don’t think this year’s election is important? Watch this. Share this. Help spread the word. #gunvote [youtube]http://youtu.be/U6a3LdjojVs[/youtube]
by Ted Nugent Not a day goes by where an American outdoorsman doesn’t confide in me that due to the increasingly complex, illogical hunting and fishing regulations across the nation, that it would not surprise them that they have unintentionally violated a game law at some point in time. Other outdoorsmen routinely express their frustration …