The Hole Book was written and illustrated by Peter Newell in 1908. The delightful books teaches children the consequences of mishandling firearms. It is notable for being the first book to use a hole punched through the pages as a storytelling gimmick. The book is now in the public domain can be downloaded from …
Ruger is looking to its fans and aficionados to help design a Ruger 10/22 rifle to commemorate the 50th anniversary of America’s favorite rimfire rifle. Legal residents of the 50 United States of America who are 21 years or older may enter the contest by submitting a photo and additional information regarding their customized 10/22 …
EDITOR’S NOTE: Today’s good news from Teresa Johnson of USA Archery. BELEK-ANTALYA, Turkey – As Brady Ellison (Chula Vista, CA) and Jake Kaminski (Gainesville, FL) lifted their arms in celebration, Joe Fanchin (Oceanside, CA) stared down his final arrow, seemingly willing it to land in the center of the target. With that final shot, the …
California’s SB 374, awaiting Governor Jerry Brown’s signature, could ban many hunting rifles with detachable magazines or the ability to accept more than 10 rounds. The National Rifle Association announced on Tuesday that the organization will be filing a legal challenge if California Governor Jerry Brown signs controversial gun control bill SB 374 into law. …
Mention “dry-fire” as a must-do part of any defensive firearms training and you can almost hear a listener’s brain turning off and his eyes glazing over. If pushed to explain this lack of enthusiasm, sooner or later they’ll say, “It’s boring.” Well, yes, there’s definitely no sizzle to clicking an empty pistol at an improvised target …
Shooters, hunters and gun owners in general are always searching for ways to attract youngsters to the shooting sports. It’s definitely a focal point for organizations like the National Shooting Sports Foundation, National Rifle Association and Youth Shooting Sports Alliance. And while the editorial staff at Guns & Ammo tries to cover all aspects of shooting and firearms, it’s sometimes difficult …