A man entered the store and pointed a gun at Alexander during his shift Sunday night.But the clerk, a 30-year veteran of the military, quickly pushed the gun away and drew his own — placing it at the gunman’s mouth. The would-be robber held his gun at his side and quickly backed out of the store. …
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Statistics show the shooting sports have enjoyed a historic surge in sales over recent years. However, for organizations and businesses that serve the nation’s millions of recreational shooters, it is vital they know precisely where dollars are being spent if they are to better focus their production, sales and marketing efforts. Companies and organizations involved …
Glock recently sent out an e-mail to their distributors that they will be discontinuing their “C” model line of compensated pistols. They also announced that they will also discontinue their Glock 20, 21, 29 and 30 Gen 3 line as well. Their announcement can be seen below as posted on GlockTalk.com. If you’re in the …
The White House announced on Thursday that it intends to “ban almost all re-imports of military surplus firearms to private entities” through executive order, which would effectively shut down the 110-year-old Civilian Marksmanship Program. In a Fact Sheet published on Whitehouse.gov today referencing the upcoming executive order the ban on importing military weapons is designed to …
With all the conspiracy theories about “what’s going on with the ammo shortage” we made a quick video about what we’ve done to help meet demand. Although we are doing everything possible to produce more products, we still try to maintain a sense of humor as you will see in the tongue-in-cheek intro for this …