/ By H&H Team / Featured NewsFirearm News / 0 Comments

  NEWTOWN, Conn. — With its new “Proud to Be a Firearms Owner” pocket card, the National Shooting Sports Foundation® is arming the nation’s 100 million gun owners with facts they can use to demonstrate they are law-abiding, safe, passionate in their defense of the Second Amendment and major supporters of conservation through their purchases …

/ By H&H Team / Featured NewsFirearm News / 0 Comments

And you don’t have to ask us if gun laws prohibit crime, you can turn to the CDC study commissioned by the President earlier this year. “In January, following the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre, President Obama issued a ‘Presidential Memorandum directing the Centers for Disease Control to research the causes and prevention of gun …

/ By H&H Team / Featured NewsFirearm News / 0 Comments

Eighteen-year-olds have the legal right to get married, vote, and even sign up  for potential combat in our nation’s armed services. Under federal law, it is also legal for adults 18 and older to possess handguns.  One thing that an 18-year-old can’t legally do, however, is walk into a federal firearms licensee (FFL), undergo a …