More guns from the disastrous federal gun-walking program known as “Operation Fast and Furious” have been recovered in Mexico, CBS News’ Sharyl Attkisson reports. Attkisson did not elaborate on where or how many guns were found. Additional details were not immediately available. Sharyl Attkisson: More Fast and Furious Guns Recovered in Mexico This Tuesday, Jan. …
Luckily, the Constitution gives the Senate exclusive power to ratify, or block, the Arms Trade Treaty. By JOHN BOLTON AND JOHN YOO CONNECT Even before his most ambitious gun-control proposals were falling by the wayside, President Obama was turning for help to the United Nations. On April 2, the United States led 154 nations to …
White House response to petition for eliminating armed security, establishing “Gun Free Zones” around President, Vice-President and families. Via ( Thanks for your petition. We live in a world where our elected leaders and representatives are subject to serious, persistent, and credible threats on a daily basis. Even those who are mere candidates in …
This post was written by Dr. Jim and Mary Clary. In a perfect world, new brass would slide right into the chambers of our target rifles without any preparation or modification. Unfortunately, that is not the case. Most competition rifles are custom made. As such, different reamers are used for the chambers of the same …
The Sportsmen’s Act of 2013 could affect millions of acres of public land, and the outdoorsmen who use them. Last month Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) introduced The Sportsmen’s Act of 2013 with bipartisan support. The Act is a collection of several bills that will benefit hunters, anglers, recreational shooters, and their access to public land. It is …
Any speech using 10 or more foreign words would be a felony. (Firearm law 922(r) restricting 10 or more foreign gun parts from the 1989 import ban) Anyone convicted of a felony or convicted of misdemeanor domestic abuse or assault is not allowed freedom of speech or religion and must rely on the government to …