Jackson Rhodes, took 1st place in the Eagle Class at the ASA Pro/Am Metropolis, Il on 6/29/13. Jackson gets regular practice on the archery ranges at H&H Shooting Sports in Oklahoma City. Congratulations Jackson!
Raise your hand if you expected these findings. Anyone? Bueller? This is a follow-up to the video of what happens when you fire a handgun underwater. The results may surprise you. And also, dude was standing way too close to the tank when he pulled the trigger. That doesn’t make us love Smarter Every Day any less, never …
Gun-owners and gun-lovers converged on Infinity Park on Saturday afternoon in a last-minute protest against a new Colorado law banning the sale of magazines of more than 15 rounds. “You are in the Vatican of liberty, the Luxembourg of freedom,” Glendale Mayor Mike Dunfon told the crowd at the beginning of the rally. Organizers say …

Ruger Firearms Sturm, Ruger & Co., Inc. (NYSE: RGR) is pleased to announce that the Company has named David McDaniel as its new National Accounts Manager. McDaniel was awarded the position in May of 2013. He will report to, and work closely with, the Director of Sales, Shawn Leska, on the growth and development of …
Let’s just say this past week may be one New York City Mayor Bloomberg may want to forget about. From being accused of using official New York City servers to host his personal gun control websites, to listing the Boston terrorist bombers as victims of gun control, Mayor Bloomberg credibly took a big hit. Also, his MAIG …
This video is all about the Springfield Range Officer 1911. I’ll give it a full review and a comparison to another 1911. If you’re considering picking one up for yourself, I hope this review helps you to make a more informed purchase. But, if you just love guns, well, you’re just like me and I …