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Jerry Miculek, arguably the best shooter to ever live, would like to do a video AMA on gunnit this coming Saturday and Sunday. The plan is to post the AMA, take the top 10-15 rated questions, and do video answers the following day (saturday-sunday). http://www.reddit.com/r/guns/ Proof:  In case anyone is unfamiliar with him: [youtube]http://youtu.be/C_HF6nl3HpI[/youtube] [youtube]http://youtu.be/9aDTaP4m12c[/youtube] …

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WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The number of FBI background checks required for Americans buying guns set a record in December, indicating that more people may purchase one after the Connecticut school massacre stirred interest in self-defense and prompted renewed talk of limits on firearms, according to FBI data. The FBI said it recorded 2.78 million background checks during the month, surpassing the …

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Back during the Clinton Administration, I joined the National Rifle Association. With the “Assault Weapon Ban” passed and other anti-Second Amendment legislation under consideration, it seemed like a good time to join the one organization capable of slowing the Democratic Party’s gun-grabbing agenda. When I let my membership lapse, it was obvious new gun control legislation …

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John Davenport/San Antonio Express-News Just two days after the tragedy at Sandy Hook, another shooting took place at a movie theater in San Antonio Texas.  Did you hear about it?  I didn’t.  Why?  Because no one died, thanks to an off duty police officer who shot the gunman. Sgt. Lisa Cuello Castellano, a 13-year veteran of …

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Piers Morgan (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Senator Diane Feinstein (D-CA) has announced that she will be introducing legislation to reenact the ban on so-called assault weapons that she authored in 1994. The evidence is in on the effect of her previous assault weapons ban: zero, zilch, nada, as the saying goes. The ban made no perceptible difference …

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[youtube]http://youtu.be/8C-CLsMRcA0[/youtube] The media and the anti-gunners are trying to tell Americans that “assault weapons” need to be banned for public safety. The problem is, assault rifles were banned in 1986. What they want to ban now are semi-automatic sporting firearms. The firearms they want to ban account for less than 1% of the firearms used …