/ By H&H Team / Featured NewsFirearm News / 2 Comments

The Founder and President of H&H Shooting Sports, Miles Hall, recently was able to direct some questions and concerns shared by many of us in the Shooting Sports community to some of the leaders within the firearms industry including Chris Hogdon from  Hodgdon Powder Co, Jim Broering President and COO of AcuSport one of the nations largest …

/ By H&H Team / Featured NewsFirearm News / 0 Comments

  Larry BellContributor   The senseless shootings that tragically took the lives of 27 people, including 20 school children, in the Newtown, Connecticut Sandy Hook Elementary School are an incomprehensible, haunting horror. How could such a monstrous thing have happened? How can we prevent such occurrences in the future? We all want answers…preferably simple ones. …

/ By H&H Team / Featured NewsFirearm News / 0 Comments

With President Obama’s announcement of a commission to study and recommend ways to reduce gun violence, the two most important Democrats in government — Obama and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid — have both indicated a desire to slow the momentum toward gun control in the wake of the Newtown, Connecticut school shootings. The president’s …

/ By H&H Team / Featured NewsFirearm News / 0 Comments

In the immediate aftermath of Friday’s terrible tragedy in Connecticut, there have been the predictable calls to enact new gun control legislation. The usual proponents of additional restrictions on guns have filled the airwaves with calls for immediate legislative action. Sen. Diane Feinstein has promised to introduce a new “assault weapons” ban on the first …

/ By H&H Team / Featured NewsFirearm NewsH&H News / 0 Comments

  What new hunting/archery products are you hoping to see in 2013? We’re excited to announce the H&H WireShots team will be giving you an inside look at the new products being unveiled at the 2013 SHOT SHOW this January The SHOT Show is an annual tradeshow for the shooting, hunting, and firearms industry. It is the biggest event of this type in …

/ By H&H Team / Featured NewsFirearm News / 0 Comments

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0R3uLTnzs60&feature=share&list=UU193r5YXcpQJV34N99ZbhzQ[/youtube] Bolt action rifles in general will overlap into other uses, and the semiautomatic AR-15 shares the same useful trait. The AR-15 has endured a rocky trail from its inception, but in today’s shooting climate, it has become one of the most popular platforms ever produced. The AR-15 has been maligned by the media, attacked …