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[youtube]http://youtu.be/vJrAeNZiRCE[/youtube] WASHINGTON (AP) — The nation’s largest gun-rights lobby called Friday for armed police officers to be posted in every American school to stop the next killer “waiting in the wings.” The National Rifle Association broke its silence on last week’s shooting rampage at a Connecticut elementary school that left 26 children and staff dead. “The only thing …

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  The National Rifle Association, while staying mostly quiet in the immediate aftermath of the mass shooting in Connecticut, has registered an average of 8,000 new members a day since the tragedy, an NRA source told Fox News. While this broadly aligns with trends seen after similar incidents in the past, the surge in membership …

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(Image credit: NECN)   Just like a scene out of “Antiques Roadshow,” a woman in Hartford, Conn., turned in an old rifle to her local police station’s gun buy-back, only to discover the gun was worth anywhere from $20,000 to $25,000. The woman, who wishes to remain anonymous, inherited the gun from her father who …

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  Editor’s Note: Piers Morgan will host a national conversation on guns at 9 p.m. ET Wednesday on CNN. (CNN) — On Wednesday night, I will host a town hall-style debate on guns in America, live on CNN. I’ll talk to lawmakers, mass shooting survivors, lawyers, gun lobbyists — anyone, basically, who has a strong opinion …

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Some folks have said it’s like 1994 all over again. I disagree. There are many factors that are different. Some play in our favor, and some don’t. But the ones that do: We have better access to the media than we did in 1994, such as this Dave Kopel article in the Wall Street Journal illustrates. …

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This girl says it better than I can: There have been many gun control debates since the tragic shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut. My thoughts are with the victim’s families. Guns are not the problem. The people and our society are the problem. [youtube]http://youtu.be/EOKP2n585aQ[/youtube]