/ By H&H Team / Featured NewsFirearm News / 0 Comments

Gun sales have thrived through out the weak economy and gun company stock prices have soared. But after the massacre at Sandy Hook inConnecticut,the outlook for the firearms industry is less certain, with momentum building for restrictions on semiautomatic rifles and high capacitymagazines. “It would remove one ofthe hottest-selling products from themarket place,” said Rommel …

/ By H&H Team / Featured NewsFirearm News / 0 Comments

Breaking news, as of 0930 it was reported to me that Cheaper than Dirt had pulled their online gun sales. When contacted for comment, a representative from Cheaper than Dirt responded with the following statement: Cheaper Than Dirt! is suspending online sales of firearms effective immediately. We are reviewing our policy internally, and will continue to be …

/ By H&H Team / Featured NewsFirearm News / 0 Comments

The following petition has been posted to whitehouse.gov asking the Obama Administration to support the responsable gun owners of america. Read the petition below.   We ask President Obama to support law abiding gun owners in this time of tragedy. We ask President Obama to stand with law abiding gun owners in this time of …

/ By H&H Team / Featured NewsFirearm News / 0 Comments

While on the road last week, I had occasion to be around a group of people I’m too often away from. I was privileged to get to meet and spend time with a young lady, a friend of the family. Due to discussions held within her hearing, she apparently determined I was someone she should …

/ By H&H Team / Featured NewsFirearm News / 0 Comments

The old expression “It’s better to be quiet and considered a fool than to speak and remove all doubt” has been credited to Abraham Lincoln. I don’t know if Honest Abe is the source of that expression, but I do believe it’s still accurate today. The tragic murder/suicide of Kansas City Chiefs’ Jovan Belcher has …