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Wayne LaPierre (Mark Wilson/Getty Images) NATIONAL HARBOR, Md.—Wayne LaPierre’s critics have called him a lot of things in the past few months: A lunatic, crazy, a gun nut. But from his perspective as the executive director of the National Rifle Association, he’s the only sane guy in the room. As an outspoken gun-rights lobbyist, LaPierre …

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Here’s where we are on Obama’s gun control proposals: Contact your senator. Ask him to oppose any motion to proceed Here’s where we are on Obama’s gun control proposals: Today, the Nut-Left Democrats on the Senate Judiciary voted to report the Feinstein gun ban –which could ban between 50% and 80% of guns and magazines …

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  The Oklahoma House of Representatives has approved a bill that would allow CLEET-certified school personnel to carry firearms in schools. House Bill 1062, also known as the School Safety Bill, was approved by a 68-23 vote Wednesday and will now go to the state Senate. The bill would allow certified volunteers to have a …

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Guns made in Oklahoma would be from free federal laws if the Senate approves and Governor Mary Fallin signs the Firearm Freedom Act. The Oklahoma House of Representatives passed the legislation Wednesday. The bill would allow firearms that were manufactured and remain in the state to be free of any federal laws, taxation, or regulation. …

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The Greek phrase “molon labe” (“come and take”) is being used as a rallying call for advocates of Second Amendment rights, and reflects a deep solidarity amongst citizens, soldiers, industry professionals, and more. One side of two warring parties shouted out molon labe nearly 2,500 years ago—a defiance and a promise (in Greek) that surrender was simply …