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Much of the furor around the country these past few years has been over gun control, after horrific shootings in Aurora, CO, and Newtown, CT. But while the federal government and states like New York focus solely on making it more difficult to purchase guns, pro-knife laws and regulations have been silently passing in states …

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Associated Press: Few presidents in modern times have been as interested in gun control as Richard Nixon, of all people. He proposed ridding the market of Saturday night specials, contemplated banning handguns altogether and refused to pander to gun owners by feigning interest in their weapons. Several previously unreported Oval Office recordings and White House memos from the Nixon years show …

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The Ruger Q4 2012 earning call was particularly enlightening as to the environment gun companies are operating in at the moment. Ruger’s sales have been soaring. NCIS background checks for Q4 rose 41% while Ruger’s sales (from distributors to retails) rose an estimated 73%. This won’t be surprising to anyone who has gone into a …

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by National Shooting Sports Foundation Be wary of a national news media in search of information they work hard to find that fits a pre-existing narrative. Ever since the tragedy at Sandy Hook Elementary School, reporters have been trying to drive a wedge between organizations that speak up for the Second Amendment. They often find support …

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I think mattv2099 missed an opportunity when simply using Hershey’s syrup. That’s basically just shitty lube right there. But a blend of Hershey’s syrup and chocolate milk powder is essentially a form of expensive, organic cement and grounds that this torture test was inadequate and requires re-visiting.

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The gun control bill being debated by Colorado Lawmakers passed the state Senate Committee Monday. Hundreds of gun rights advocates showed up at the Capitol in protest over the new proposal that could curb magazine size to 15 rounds. According toKDVR, notable people present at the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing included Magpul CEO Richard Fitzpatrick, Rocky Mountain …