Last Monday, Ted Nugent sat down with CNN’s Piers Morgan to talk gun control. Morgan asked Nugent to tell him “in the least inflammatory way possible” why Americans need to have the AR-15 rifle. From there things got heated–though most agreed Nugent strongly and coherently represented arguments for firearm ownership. At one point Nugent asks Morgan, …
91% More Than Bush’s First-Term Total There have been 65,376,373 background checks completed for Americans purchasing firearms since February of 2009, the first full month of Barack Obama’s presidency. According to data compiled by the FBI, the number of Americans purchasing guns has skyrocketed since Obama was elected. In 2009, there were 13,984,953 background checks for Americans …
Attorney General Eric Holder, an Obama administration official implicated in the Fast & Furious gunrunning scandal, provided his views on gun control at Clark Atlanta University in Georgia. During the exchange, Holder discussed the president expanding the list of those who are not ‘entitled’ to the possession of handguns. Yet, removing handguns from those deemed to be …
In an ongoing poll conducted of its membership by Gun Owners of America, 96.2% of over 18,500 respondents have thus far opposed Obama’s universal background check proposal. So many gun owners tried to register their opposition to banning private gun sales that GOA’s server crashed, and many who were opposed this framework for a national …
[youtube][/youtube] Brian Lilley gives an important warning to his American friends: registration of firearms will lead to the confiscation of firearms.
Across all media these days the information is far from accurate when it comes to the culture war waged against gun owners. The topic the other day on a Fox News program was Chicago’s “gun problem.” Of course everyone knows Chicago’s problem is crime committed by thugs who disobey the law, but that didn’t stop one woman …