/ By H&H Team / Featured NewsFirearm News / 0 Comments

In an ongoing poll conducted of its membership by Gun Owners of America, 96.2% of over 18,500 respondents have thus far opposed Obama’s universal background check proposal. So many gun owners tried to register their opposition to banning private gun sales that GOA’s server crashed, and many who were opposed this framework for a national …

/ By H&H Team / Featured NewsFirearm News / 0 Comments

Across all media these days the information is far from accurate when it comes to the culture war waged against gun owners. The topic the other day on a Fox News program was Chicago’s “gun problem.” Of course everyone knows Chicago’s problem is crime committed by thugs who disobey the law, but that didn’t stop one woman …

/ By H&H Team / Featured NewsFirearm News / 0 Comments

Magpul, the maker of one of the most popular AR-15 magazines, the PMAG, along with other AR-15 accessories has posted an open letter to their customers and Colorado lawmakers. The company basically says if CO passes a proposed law that would ban magazines over 10 rounds in capacity, they would be forced to move their …

/ By H&H Team / Featured NewsFirearm News / 0 Comments

Recoil is a nasty byproduct of shooting rifles, but ignoring recoil can cause major problems that are quick to develop and hard to correct. Developing a flinch can ruin your ability to shoot well, so follow these steps to stop this nasty problem before it starts. LIMIT RANGE TIME Taking a beating at the range …