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[youtube]http://youtu.be/LuD6y4_6eGo[/youtube]   Not everyone supports the President’s plans to fight gun violence with more gun control. Kentucky Republican Senator Rand Paul said, he agrees something needs to happen in the wake of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings, but went on to say, he doesn’t agree with Obama’s proposal that includes 23 executive orders that …

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WASHINGTON — California Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein staged a dramatic press conference Thursday on Capitol Hill with 10 weapons at her side and unveiled legislation instituting a government ban on more than 150 types of firearms, including rifles, pistols and shotguns. Flanked by other anti-gun liberal lawmakers, including New York Sen. Chuck Schumer and Illinois …

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(CNN) – Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein will have a “bunch of assault weapons on display” this morning when she unveils her new assault weapons ban, including a Bushmaster rifle, Democratic sources tell CNN. Part of Feinstein’s goal is to convince opponents of an assault weapons ban – especially conservative Democrats – that these weapons are not …

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Hacktivist group Anonymous has recently released a video in response to the Obama administrations gun control executive actions and proposals. Some highlighted quotes from the video: “Throughout history, authoritarian governments have used gun violence as an excuse to take people’s firearms and control their population,” “This is exactly what Adolf Hitler did to disarm the German people …

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Visitors looking for facts about Second Amendment history and intent can read the results of my research online in several articles and posts, which are described and linked below. The facts of American history can end the never-ending dispute over Second Amendment intent, but only if they are understood and deployed to undermine the error …