Two Women Confidently Hold Guns While Standing in a Field in Oklahoma City, OK
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H&H Shooting Sports Summer Expo Welcomes Gabby Franco & Tac Girl Michelle Waldran!

Meet the Women Of Walther at the Summer Expo

The H&H Shooting Sports Summer Expo is just around the corner, happening on July 19th and 20th. This year’s event promises to be bigger and better than ever, and to top it all off, we are thrilled to announce TWO very special guest appearances by industry superstars, Walther Women,  Gabby Franco and “Tac Girl” Michelle Waldran! They are both extremely talented shooters and members of Walther’s Performance Division (AKA the Walther Shooting Team).

Sharpshooting with the Stars

Gabby Franco is a Olympian, Firearms Instructor, Author, and a superstar in the competitive shooting world. Her impressive skills and infectious enthusiasm have made her a role model for aspiring shooters everywhere. Whether you’re a seasoned competitor or just starting out, Gabby’s insights and tips are sure to be invaluable.

Michelle Waldran, also known as “Tac Girl,” is a veteran firearms instructor, competition shooter, and all-around badass. Her no-nonsense approach to training and her dedication to safety have earned her a loyal following. If you’re looking to up your defensive shooting game, Tac Girl’s expertise is not to be missed.

Don’t Miss Out!

This year’s Summer Expo is shaping up to be an unforgettable event. Whether you’re a seasoned shooter or simply curious about the world of firearms, this is a weekend you won’t want to miss. Make your plans to attend now and get ready to meet Gabby Franco, Tac Girl Michelle Waldran, and the entire H&H Shooting Sports crew!


Originally from Venezuela but now living in Fort Belvoir, Virginia, Gabby was first introduced to shooting at a young age by her dad, who taught her firearms safety and shooting technique. Since then Gabby has competed in dozens of countries, won national and international medals, competed in the Olympics, became the first woman to advance to the final phase of Top Shot, given classes on the mental aspects of shooting and written her first book, ‘TroubleShooting: Mastering your Pistol Marksmanship’.

For the past 28 years, Gabby has continued to practice in multiple disciplines, including air pistol, sport pistol, USPSA, 3-Gun competitions, and IPSC. Currently, Gabby competes in USPSA Carry Optics and IPSC Production Optics, but aims to begin shooting 2-Gun competitions with pistol and rifle. The one piece of advice that she carries with her is: “Always visualize what I want to achieve.”

Gabby’s competition set up includes a Walther Q5 Match Steel Frame in 9mm, topped with Vortex Venon 6 MOA, loaded with Armscor 124gr and reloads. She also uses a CR Speed belt, Red Hill Tactical Holster and Blade-Tech mag pouches. What makes Gabby proud to be part of the Walther Shooting team is that 20 years on, after using her first Walther GSP .22LR – her first firearm, and the one she took to the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney – she’s not only using a Walther pistol again, but part of the team, saying: “It is like having one of my dreams as a teenager come true. I love the attention to quality, performance, and design that Walther puts into their guns.”


Born in Seoul, Korea, but now calling Tulsa, Oklahoma her home. Michelle was first introduced to handguns at the age of 14-years old, when visiting her uncle on summer break. Fascinated by his handgun collection, he taught Michelle all about the components, safety and mechanics of pistol functions and when he asked if she wanted to go shoot, the answer was a no-brainer. Years later, when Michelle turned 21, she returned to pistols as a way to protect herself.

Now a certified NRA pistol instructor, Council on Law Enforcement and Training (C.L.E.E.T.) handgun instructor and Oklahoma self-defense act instructor, Michelle teaches ladies to shoot proficiently, as well as running a local chapter with the Well Armed Woman in 2015-2016. She added: “I found it very rewarding to see the smiles on their faces as they make their hits. It’s very rewarding to share the knowledge that I have obtained over the years.”

Michelle shoots a Walther Q5 Match SF, housed in a Dara Holster, with Taran Tactical Innovations base pads for holding extra rounds in her Walther PPQ magazines. For everyday carry and competition, she uses Tacbeltz and her sight option for competition is Daweson Precision and for night sights on her everyday carry, she chooses XS Sights. Commenting on being part of the Walther Shooting Team, Michelle said: “Walther Arms is well known as a globally respected firearms company. I am so honored to be part of the shooting team and hope I represent them well.”