Get Your Concealed Carry Permit in Oklahoma City
Discover How to Get Your Concealed Carry License
Whether you’re buying a firearm for home defense or have been a competitive shooter or hunter for years, getting a concealed carry permit can seem overwhelming. At H&H Shooting Sports, we want to help you get your concealed carry permit in Oklahoma City, OK, as stress-free as possible. We understand there are several different reasons and ways to carry a concealed weapon. Still, regardless of the reason, the first step is knowing Oklahoma’s concealed carry laws. We’ve compiled an overview of what you need to know and do before applying for your Oklahoma Handgun License. If you have any questions or need to take our Oklahoma Self-Defense Act Safety Course, reach out today.
How Do You Obtain a Oklahoma Handgun License?
To apply for a license to carry a concealed or unconcealed handgun in Oklahoma, you must meet all license law requirements. The application can be processed at your local county office by the sheriff’s office, or you can apply online. Further, all applicants must complete an eight-hour firearms safety and training course, like our Oklahoma Self-Defense Act Safety Course. Oklahoma issues handgun licenses to individuals twenty-one or older. Here are some additional requirements before you’re allowed to apply:
- You’re a Citizen of the United States of America
- Resident of Oklahoma
- You Have Either an Oklahoma Driver’s License or Other State issued Identification Card
- Completed an Oklahoma Firearm Training or Have a Letter of Exemption
- You Don’t Have Any Felony Conviction or Have an Ongoing Felony Charge
- You Don’t Have any Suicide-Related Cases or Mental Instability in the Ten Years Before Applying
- Not a Patient of any Related Mental Illness in Any Health institution
- You Don’t Have a Conviction for Battery, Violence, or Stalking
- You Haven’t Violated the Protection from Domestic Act from Oklahoma or Another State
- You Don’t Have any Convictions for Crimes Related to Narcotics and other Controlled Substances by the DEA
- You Don’t Have any Convictions for Domestic Violence or Assault
- You Don’t Have Multiple Convictions for Intoxication Within the Last Three Years
- You Don’t Have Multiple Convictions for Driving Under the Influence or Other Intoxicating Substances for the Last Three Years
- No Character Evidence Proves You Are a Criminal or Indicates Criminal Activity
Am I Allowed to Carry a Gun in a Bar or Under the Influence?
In Oklahoma, it’s possible to face a felony charge with penalties of up to two years in prison and/or a fine of up to $1,000 if you bring a firearm into a bar or other establishments where alcohol is consumed. It’s important to note that bar owners, on-duty law enforcement, and private investigators are exempt from this law. Once you earn your concealed carry permit, you can bring handguns into other establishments where liquor sales aren’t the primary purpose. Further, Oklahoma law prohibits concealed or open firearms in the following locations:
- Schools
- Bars
- Courthouses
- Jails and Prisons
- Government Buildings
- Offices Utilized for Public Business
- Colleges, Universities, or Technology Center Schools
- Publicly Owned Sports Venues During Pro Games
- Legal Gambling Establishments
Take Advantage of Our Firearm Safety Class

H&H Shooting Sport is proud to offer the Oklahoma Self-Defense Act Safety Course. This course is one of the first steps you need to take to obtain an Oklahoma handgun license. Each of our firearm instructors is seasoned and experienced and comes from a wide range of shooting backgrounds. Our team is skilled at bringing out the best talents while remaining compassionate when teaching beginners. As mentioned, this course requires obtaining a license in Oklahoma to legally conceal or carry a firearm. Once you complete the course, you’ll receive a certificate of completion allowing you to complete your application for your concealed carry license. This course covers Oklahoma Law, deadly force issues, shooting fundamentals, handgun operation, and a live-fire shooting portion. If, after this course, you would like additional training, we offer Basic Holster and Equipment safety training that focuses explicitly on concealed carry.
Earn Your Concealed Carry License
Your journey toward earning your concealed carry license starts with understanding Oklahoma laws and regulations. Knowing all local laws can help you avoid wasting time and fast-track your permit. Next, it’s important to attend a concealed carry safety course. The seasoned instructors at H&H Shooting Sports are certified to provide knowledge and practical live fire training. We’re committed to helping you complete all necessary steps to obtain your weapon permit. To help with this, we have over 60 indoor firing ranges and offer a wide selection of premium holsters to go with your new permit. Reach out or visit us to learn more from our experienced instructors or to find the right accessories for your firearm today.