Mossberg fans will be seeing some new, yet familiar faces promoting America’s oldest family-owned firearms manufacturer. Known for their quality-made shotguns and rifles, O.F. Mossberg & Sons announcedon Wednesday that they have entered into an agreement with the Robertson family to promote and produce a series of Duck Commander firearms. The brand will focus on the Robertson family’s favorite pastime of waterfowl hunting.
Phil Robertson started his family business out of a broken-down shed where he made his signature duck calls. That was 40 years ago. Now the Robertsons head a multi-million dollar business empire and are not only known in the world of duck hunting, but have managed to ingrain themselves in popular culture as well. Since the family first appeared on Duck Dynasty in 2012, the Robertsons quickly captured America’s attention with their down-home family values and traditions. In the meanwhile, Willie Robertson took the helm of the family business and seemingly cornered the market on all things duck-related. Who better than Duck Commander to lead Mossberg’s new waterfowl hunting line?
“Mossberg is extremely proud to partner with Duck Commander to further promote hunting, shooting sports, and family values,” said Iver Mossberg, CEO of Mossberg & Sons. “The Robertsons’ widespread appeal and ability to cross over into the mainstream has bridged millions to the traditions of hunting and sharing time in the field with family.”
The new line of Duck Commander firearms will include pump-action and autoloading shotguns as well as rifles. When news of the Robertsons’ involvement in Mossberg broke on Facebook, the response was overwhelmingly positive.
“People with values supporting a company known for strong value at very good prices,” said one commentor. “I like it! And they’re made in America. Happy, happy, happy!”
The use of the Robertson catchphrase reinforces the popularity of Duck Dynasty, which recently finished its third season. Willie Robertson spoke out on how honored he was to be working with Mossberg, a company that he greatly respected.
“The Duck Commander franchise was built on hard work, family values and our great American heritage. As an iconic, hard-working American product, made by a family-owned company, Mossberg is a perfect partnership for our team,” he said.
Image courtesy Mossberg