The National Rifle Association has announced the winners of its 2013 NRA Youth Education Summit (Y.E.S.) Grand Scholarship, awarding a total of $15,000 to six students. The nine-month project began at the conclusion of last June’s 2012 Y.E.S., a Washington DC-based seven-day educational experience for high school students covering the constitution, federal government and the NRA’s impact on the Second Amendment through community outreach programs.
Following Y.E.S., the 46 participants are eager to return home and educate their local communities on the positive effects of NRA programs like Eddie Eagle GunSafe, Women On Target and Refuse To Be A Victim. The Y.E.S. Grand Scholarship encourages students to create a portfolio documenting their involvement in NRA programs and awards college scholarships to the most inspiring projects.
The following students were selected from the 2012 Y.E.S. class’ entrants:
- $3,500: Wyatt Saltarelli, Montgomery, TX
- $3,500: Emily Allen, Edgewood, NM
- $3,000: Katelyn Leonard, Liberty NC
- $2,500: Kjersti Buckley, Upton, WY
- $1,500: Benjamin Barnes, Roseburg, OR
- $1,000: Molly Smith, Cambria, CA
Funding for Y.E.S. and the Grand Scholarship is provided by The NRA Foundation. Established in 1990, The NRA Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c) (3) tax-exempt organization that raises tax-deductible contributions in support of the National Rifle Association and other organizations. These activities promote firearms and hunting safety, enhance shooting sports and educate the general public about firearms in their historic, technological and artistic context. Visit www.nrafoundation.org.
Logo courtesy National Rifle Association