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NRA points out the "Shadiness of Obamas Proposed Gun Control Policies"

In their latest series of ads, the NRA has made every effort to point out the shadiness of the proposed gun control policies. Not sure why they would mess up the nomenclature.  I’d assume the NRA would know better, and I would have expected them to actually point out that “high capacity” is a misnomer as a part of their ad. View the ads below.
Even Obama’s experts say his gun control policies won’t work. According to an internal Department of Justice memorandum, a gun ban, like the one being debated right now in Congress, will not work without a mandatory gun buyback, and “universal” background checks will not work without requiring gun registration. Call Congress at 202-224-3121 and tell them to reject President Obama’s gun control agenda — and to get serious about prosecuting criminals and fixing our broken mental health system.
Barack Obama’s misguided efforts to ban so-called “high-capacity” magazines will only hurt law-abiding, average Americans. The wealthy will still surround themselves with all the “high-capacity” technology they want, and criminals will simply continue to ignore the law.