Just two days after the tragedy at Sandy Hook, another shooting took place at a movie theater in San Antonio Texas. Did you hear about it? I didn’t. Why? Because no one died, thanks to an off duty police officer who shot the gunman.
Sgt. Lisa Cuello Castellano, a 13-year veteran of the police department, shot 19-year-old Jesus Garcia after he fired several times inside a restaurant and a movie theater parking lot. She saved several lives and was given a Medal for her actions.

A few media outlets covered the shooting, but I found only one that covered her awards ceremony. Why doesn’t everyone know the name Lisa Cuello Castellano. With Sandy Hook and the Aurora movie theater shooting getting such National media attention, why not this shooting? We grieved with the victims and families in both tragedies, we should also rejoice for a tragedy avoided, thanks to the bravery of one person, who helped saved many lives. The National media may not be giving Lisa the attention she deserves, but after reading the story, I couldn’t let her heroics go unnoticed.
Lisa spoke with KENS 5 news at her medal ceremony about the ‘chaos’ and ‘panic’ going on around her ‘I’m not gonna lie, it was frightening, but the training kicked in.’ She received a standing ovation during her medal ceremony. As she should. We should all stand up and applaud Lisa. Please share this story with everyone you know so we can give Lisa the National attention she deserves.