NRA NEWS COMMENTATORS Episode 45: “Wrong Heroes” with Natalie Foster There is a disturbing and tragically predictable trend that occurs like clockwork after every attack, mass murder or large-scale bloodshed in our country. Another face is burned into our memory, and another name is talked about around the world. We become so focused …
NRA NEWS COMMENTATORS Dom Raso “Assault Weapons” Dom: A popular belief among the American people is that assault weapons are the choice guns for criminals like drug dealers and gang members. It’s all because the media paints this picture of thugs invading homes and busting down doors with AK-47s and other semi-automatic rifles. But …
Such Accuracy – Much Accuracy – Wow So Brass- Finally, a viable solution for alternative ammunition sources. Introducing DOGE® PERFORMANCE AMMUNITION. Perhaps the best low-cost solution for all your shooting needs. Wow! Made from many hand picked cases with such quality. It is sure to very performance! Super non-corrosive, very primer. And wow, such grains, …
NRA NEWS COMMENTATORS EPISODE 43 Dom Raso: Knee-Jerk Reactions Let’s talk about knee-jerk reactions when something bad happens. The media is salivating, just waiting for the next tragic story to come in so they can post it all over their network before anyone else beats them to the punch. They don’t say, “Man, something …
So say two of the three judges on an Ohio Court of Appeals panel, in State v. Shover(Ohio Ct. App. Feb. 5, 2014) (Carr, J., concurring in the judgment, with Hensal, J., agreeing on this score) (some paragraph breaks added) — and generally quite correctly, it seems to me: I concur in judgment only on the basis …
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