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You may have read rumors about Remington Outdoor Company’s plant consolidation online. We spent today meticulously researching and talking to industry sources. Everything in this post is fact, not rumor and conjecture. It is important to note that, as we reported last December, the Freedom Group is no more. It is now called the Remington Outdoor Company (henceforth …

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One of the most important avenues of research for the internet gun community is determining what things you can put in a shotgun shell and still have it function “properly.” YouTuber DemolitionRanch has a vast library of previous experiments with stuffed shells packed with everything from Legos to rock salt. The channel’s most recent testing material is …

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On Thursday, May 8, 2014, the U.S. House Appropriations Committee approved the FY15 Commerce, Justice, Science Appropriations bill.  This bill contains a number of pro-gun general provisions and will now head to the U.S. House floor for consideration. During the mark up of the bill, multiple anti-gun amendments were offered.  Fortunately for gun owners, all …

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Wednesday’s vote is the first time either legislative chamber has mustered enough votes to override a veto during Fallin’s administration, the governor’s press secretary said. The state House on Wednesday voted 86-3 to override Gov. Mary Fallin’s veto of a firearms bill. Wednesday’s vote is the first time either legislative chamber has mustered enough votes …

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  Omer Kiyani’s hands still shake when he remembers the day that changed the course of his life. He was 16 years old, riding in a car with a group of friends, when someone started firing a gun outside the car. Kiyani — who never identified the shooter and has trouble remembering the incident — …

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“Gunny” as played by R. Lee Ermey in the iconic “Full Metal Jacket,” saves the day and stops the bad guy in Glock’s new “Wrong Taxi” commercial. The crook tries to rob the taxi driver, who turns out to be an undercover cop armed with his trusty Glock, and then when the crook tries to flee on …