The Firearms Radio Network has added a new show to their lineup. Starting in September, We Like Shooting’s Guns, Gear & Gadgets show can be heard in a weekly podcast.
The new show will profile products throughout the industry mixed with discussion of news and events related to the shooting world. Comprised of panelists including active duty and retired Navy, Marines, Army, Air Force, instructors, competitors and hobbyists. Spread throughout the United States the We Like Shooting team has a wide breadth of interests and expertise.
The new podcast joins a quickly rising network of experts and personalities, hosting a variety of your favorite gun related programs with an emphasis on enlightenment, the 2nd amendment and firearm ownership as well as the ever expanding shooting sports.
“We have listened to shows from Firearms Radio Network on a daily basis. To be a part of what they are building is truly an honor for us and I know our team is all really excited.” Aaron K. (We Like Shooting)
Subscribe and listen to the “We like Shooting Podcast” with Apple iTunes or listen directly from their website at welikeshootingpodcast.com
For more information about The Firearms Radio Network and it’s programs please visit:http://www.firearmsradio.tv
Logo courtesy The Firearms Radio Network